How do I configure Resource Manager/Orchestrated MobiLinc?

Tips and help with Orchestrated MobiLinc and the Resource Manager Plug-In.

How do I configure Resource Manager/Orchestrated MobiLinc?

Postby AdminWes » Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:25 am

Please follow these steps to use Resource Manager in MobiLinc Pro and Orchestrated MobiLinc:

Configuring Resource Manager
1. After purchasing the Orchestrated MobiLinc App or the Resource Manager plug-in from inside of MobiLinc Pro, tap My Settings.
2. Scroll down to the bottom to the section named "Resource Manager Settings"
3. Tap "Resource Manager"
4. Select when you would like Resource Manager to be active: Day Only, Night Only, or Day and Night. Go back to My Settings.
5. Tap "My House is Light At" and select when you would consider your house to be light enough for the Day Settings to take effect. This is an offset either before or after Sunrise. Sunrise is calculated by the ISY. Please ensure that your location is configured correctly for your ISY.
6. Tap "My House is Dark At" and select when you would consider your house to be dark enough for the Night Settings to take effect. This is an offset either before or after Sunset. Sunset is calculated by the ISY. Please ensure that your location is configured correctly for your ISY.

Configure your devices and scenes
Now that Resource Manager is configured, please follow these steps to configure your devices and scenes:

NOTE: A scene is eligible for Resource Manager if the scene has at least one controller assigned to the scene. Controllers are assigned from the ISY java console.

1. Tap My Devices or My Scenes on the Home Screen.
2. Find the device or scene you would like to assign a custom timer or Resource Manager energy profile. Tap on the device or scene.
3. Tap on "Resource Manager" under the section "Module Options" or "Scene Options"
4. Configure the "Conserve Resources" or "Timer Settings" for the device or scene.

Conserve Resources
1. To enable the device or scene to conserve during the day or night slide the switch to the ON position.
2. Select how long the device or scene should remain on.
3. Devices: Select what the dim level should be after the initial time expires or for switches, should the switch toggle off then back on after the initial time expires.
Scenes: Select if the controllers of the scene beep after the initial time expires. The beep feature is only available on the recent SwitchLincs (Dimmer and Switch).
4. Select the secondary waiting period after the warning notice in the above step.
5. If configuring for Night, the last option is to associate a motion controller with the device or scene so that the motion controller will trigger the device or scene to come on or stay on or after a period of no motion, turn the device or scene off.
6. Once complete, tap back to the Device or Scene settings and Resource Manager will then create the programs and send them to the ISY to take effect.

Timer Settings
Each device and scene can have up to 4 custom timers associated with that device or scene.
1. Select any one of the 4 available custom timer slots.
2. Enable the timer by sliding the switch to the ON position.
3. Configure the timer by selecting when the device/scene should turn on and for how long in either duration (example: 15 minutes) or time of day.
4. Once complete, tap back to the Device or Scene settings and Resource Manager will then create the programs and send them to the ISY to take effect.
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