If you are having trouble getting MobiLinc on your iPhone/iPod touch/iPad to connect to your SmartLinc here are some troubleshooting steps to try:
1. Using your iPhone/iPod touch/iPad verify that it is connected to your Wi-Fi network and can reach the internet.
2. Using Safari, navigate to the following website: http://smartlinc.smarthome.com
3. Tap on "I'm at home"
4. Tap on your SmartLinc's IP address.
5. Log into your smartlinc and verify you can control your devices.
If any of the above steps fail, try the following:
1. Find your SmartLinc device and unplug it from the wall outlet. Wait 2 minutes.
2. Verify that the SmartLinc's network cable is plugged directly in to the network router.
3. Plug your SmartLinc device back into the wall outlet. Wait 5 minutes.
4. Try steps 1-5 from above to connect to your SmartLinc from your iPhone/iPod touch/iPad.
If you are still unable to connect to your SmartLinc, a factory reset may be required. Please contact SmartHome for assistance.
NOTE: For security reasons, MobiLinc requires that the SmartLinc be setup with a username and password. Please configure your SmartLinc with a username and password prior to proceeding.
If you are able to communicate and control your SmartLinc from the website perform the following:
1. Close Safari and launch MobiLinc. If this is the first time launching MobiLinc, MobiLinc will search for your SmartLinc device by contacting the website http://smartlinc.smarthome.com.
2. If MobiLinc is successful, MobiLinc will ask for your username and password to your SmartLinc device. Please enter your username and password.
3. MobiLinc will download all rooms, scenes, thermostat, and devices from your SmartLinc and begin asking for status on all your devices/scenes.
4. Start using MobiLinc!
If this isn't the first time running MobiLinc and you want to connect MobiLinc to your SmartLinc, tap on "My Settings"->"Lighting Controller" (the Wrench icon) in MobiLinc and enter in your SmartLinc's username, password, IP address, and port information from http://smartlinc.smarthome.com into the "Local http://" and "Local Port" fields of MobiLinc. Once the username, password, IP, and Port information is entered, tap on "Tap to Sync with SmartLinc".
If you are still unable to connect to your SmartLinc, a factory reset may be required. Please contact SmartHome for assistance.
SmartLinc Factory Reset Procedure: http://wiki.smarthome.com/index.php?title=Restoring_SmartLinc_to_its_Factory_Default_Settings
If MobiLinc can successfully sync with the SmartLinc controller but is experiencing communication problems during startup or the network busy indicator is spinning indefinitely, please visit the forum, Troubleshooting SmartLinc and MobiLinc Part 2: