Missing Stuff In Dashboard

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Missing Stuff In Dashboard

Postby johnmsch » Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:00 am

I'm running MobiLinc Pro on an iPhone 8+, iOS 14.3. Haven't even brought up the app in a few months as everything is just working. When I did bring it up last week, most of the widgets on my Dashboard are gone. I had (hard to remember after all this time) about 5 devices and a couple of programs there. Now there are only 3 devices there.

Where did those missing items go?
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Re: Missing Stuff In Dashboard

Postby AdminWes » Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:34 pm

Hi Johnmsch,

This could happen if the ISY responded with an empty device/scene list to MobiLinc. MobiLinc has some level of retry/protection in place, but there are scenarios where the ISY may continue to respond with an empty device list to MobiLinc's requests. In that case, MobiLinc would remove these from the Dashboard and other custom settings.

The recommendation is to take a good backup of your ISY and replace the SDCard with a new Class 10 16GB card and restore from a backup.

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