iLlinc keeps crashing!

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iLlinc keeps crashing!

Postby bookwyrm » Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:11 pm

When I was adding devices, iLinc would sometimes crash when I hit the save button, however it did allow me to add all the devices and control them. As soon as I tried to add a scene, however, the app now just crashes outright every time I try to start it! I've removed and reinstalled the app, and re-added all my devices, and the same thing happened a second time. Needless to say this puts a damper on things!
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Re: iLlinc keeps crashing!

Postby AdminWes » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:43 pm

Welcome bookwyrm, I'm sorry to hear you've had some problems with iLinc. Let's see if we can get to the bottom of what's going on. Here's several questions that might help me pinpoint the issue:

1. iPhone or iTouch? If iPhone, is it jailbroken?
2. Which OS are your using? (Must be 2.2 or later)
3. iLinc Pro or Lite? (I'm assuming Pro since you said you were adding several devices)
4. If you tried iLinc Lite, did it work with one device and one scene?
5. iLinc 1.0 or 1.1?
6. What is the name of the device (Friendly Name and Device Type) that you use when iLinc crashed the first time?
7. What is the name of the scene you used that is causing iLinc to crash?
8. Were you able to assign any devices to a scene? If so how many?
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Re: iLlinc keeps crashing!

Postby bookwyrm » Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:34 pm

1. Iphone 3g, and yes it is currently jailbroken (though I've been debating whether to keep it that way since I basically only use 3 features that are enabled by it)
2. 2.2.1
3. Pro
4. I did, though I just tried it with a device, I never got around to creating a scene
5. 1.1
6. "Back LR Lights" is the name of the first device that it crashed on, and it's an insteon dimmer switch. Once I started the app back up, it worked fine though. A couple of devices I had to add a second time after a crash.
7. "Backyard Lights" is the name of the scene I tried to create
8. Nope, it crashed right when I hit save on the name of the scene

Thanks for looking into it! iLinc does seem like a great product, and so far it does work well for me to at least control devices individually, though it still crashes occasionally even doing that.

For a bit more background, I have 7 devices currently that are a mixture of relays (5) and dimmers (2) plus an irlinc and the powerlinc for controllers. They all currently work great as set up, and with the mControl software (which I use for timers). It looks like iLinc and mControl also play nicely together, in case nobody's tried that.
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Re: iLlinc keeps crashing!

Postby AdminWes » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:36 pm

Thanks for your responses. I didn't see anything unusual in your Insteon setup or the names you chose for the devices or scenes.

From your description it sounds like iLinc is crashing when it tried to access or write to the internal SQL database (at least that's my best guess). Most of the SQL work is handled by the iPhone OS once iLinc tells the SQL engine what to do. The only item in your list you gave me I can't verify if iLinc works correctly on is a jailbroken phone. I wouldn't think that jailbraking a phone would affect how SQL works...but I suppose it's possible.

Is there anyone else on the forum using iLinc on a jailbroken phone?

Something that might help me in the meantime is to post or email me your crash log. Here's where the crash logs are located on your computer once you sync your iPhone with iTunes:

Mac OS X : ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/<DEVICE_NAME>
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Application Data\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter/<DEVICE_NAME>
Windows Vista: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter/MobileDevice/<DEVICE_NAME>
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Re: iLlinc keeps crashing!

Postby bookwyrm » Wed May 06, 2009 3:52 pm

Sorry I didn't get back to you with the crash log sooner. I've been out of town for work. I'll try to upload a log tonight when I get home.
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